When a company moves on, leaving your model behind, it may leave in its wake a lot of grief for the product owner. In other words, it becomes increasingly difficult to find replacement parts. The problem wouldn’t be so upsetting if your product were not a Hasler WJ60 in good running order. And as it happens, the cartridges for the prolific Hasler WJ60 and its family of mail processors are also very economical on ink. Enter MailQuick with a full line of solutions for these great models. We carry the ink cartridge for the Hasler WJ60, WJ65, WJ90, WJ95, and WJ110. The bottom line is, if your mail processor is getting 17,000 imprints per ink cartridge, the machine and its inker must be doing something right. Our replacement cartridges for the WJ60 series are rated to yield about 17,500 imprints, slightly better than the original cartridge. As a whole, Hasler mail processors focus on being streamlined, attractive and compact, so they fit easily in a tech-laden office. They produce processors for small needs, such as the WJ 20 that can put out 20 labels per minute, potentially 120 per hour. And they produce processors for industrial needs, such as the compact, monster-mover, the WJ PRO, printing up to 15,000 letters per hour. The Hasler WJ PRO works on an ink reservoir that yields up to 500,000 letters per tank, and has a system that you can replace mid-job. At MailQuick, you’ll find dependable, competitive replacement ink tanks for this monster and you’ll also find replacements for the low-yield WJ60, plus replacements for all the fine Hasler cartridges in between. If you own a Hasler, you probably consider the longevity of your replacement parts a priority. MailQuick delivers that longevity in these replacement cartridges compatible with low volume IM models or high-volume models such as WJ PRO. Our Hasler WJ Pro Ink Tank returns your machine to the 500,000-letter capacity of its youth. In addition to maintaining your original economy, all these Hasler ink jet replacement cartridges qualify for our free shipping, so order your Hasler replacements today.